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Linen Fabrics

For interior decoration, artistic, technical purposes…

Linen, a matter of Heart

We are passionate about flax. Passion and patience are indispensable when growing flax. It is extremely difficult to grow, to harvest, and then extract the fiber out of it. Flax fiber itself is unpredictable when spun and transformed into linen yarns and linen fabrics. However flax repays through its remarkable and numerous benefits. And above all, thanks to its natural classy aspect.
We are passionate about flax. Passion and patience are indispensable when growing flax. It is extremely difficult to grow, to harvest, and then extract the fiber out of it. Flax fiber itself is unpredictable when spun and transformed into linen yarns and linen fabrics. However flax repays through its remarkable and numerous benefits. And above all, thanks to its natural classy aspect.
Linen is a breathing fabrics, absorbing moisture and inhibiting fungal infections. Thus, linen is irreplacable in shirts, trousers, and all piece of garment worn next to the skin. But first and foremost, linen is a light and skin friendly fabrics, giving to your wardrobe its unique style.
Linen is a breathing fabrics, absorbing moisture and inhibiting fungal infections. Thus, linen is irreplacable in shirts, trousers, and all piece of garment worn next to the skin. But first and foremost, linen is a light and skin friendly fabrics, giving to your wardrobe its unique style.
As an upholstery or decorative fabrics, linen is incredibly strong and friction resistant. And its natural and rustical elegance will sublimate your home interior.

Specially for linen lovers, Aurelia gathered in this category all linen fabrics we offer, whether they are 100% pure linen or not.

As an upholstery or decorative fabrics, linen is incredibly strong and friction resistant. And its natural and rustical elegance will sublimate your home interior.

Specially for linen lovers, Aurelia gathered in this category all linen fabrics we offer, whether they are 100% pure linen or not.

In this category, You will find the following linen fabrics:

soft linen, linen voile, 100% flax linen baker’s couche, linen fabric natural colour, large width cotton-linen fabric, wide width linen fabric, cotton linen clothing fabric, extra wide linen fabric, linen curtains, plain linen fabric, pure linen bedding, preshrunk extra wide linen cotton fabric, extra wide linen mist, soft linen for upholstery, linen upholstery fabric, flax linen printed flowers, striped linen fabric.

For any enquiry on price, availability, or other details on the presented fabrics please be free to contact us by phone or email using the contact form.


Composition: 100% linen
Width: 160 cm / 300 cm
Weight: 90 gr/m²
Colours: 17 colours
Rolls: 30 / 25 meters/roll
Purpose: curtains, home and shop decoration
Shrinkage: – 3% when cleaned in accordance with instruction
Care instructions:

ZEPHYR voile

Composition: 80% RECYCLED POLYESTER / 20% linen
Width: 300 cm
Weight: 125 gr/m²
Colours: white / cream / snow white / natural
Rolls: 20 meters/roll
Purpose: curtains, home and shop decoration
Shrinkage:warp 3% / weft 2%
Care instructions:


Composition: 100% linen
Width: 10 cm
Weight: 240 gr/m²
Colours: white / black / red / blue stripes, on natural background
Rolls: 25 meters/roll
Purpose: table clothes; kitchen towels; window covering; bag and accessory sewing
Shrinkage:+/- 5%
Care instructions:


Composition: 100% linen
Width: 260 cm
Weight: 240 gr/m²
Colours: 1 colour, natural, (white weft and natural warp)
Rolls: 20-25 meters/roll
Purpose: tablecloths, curtains, bag and accessory sewing
Shrinkage:+/- 5%
Care instructions:

AZURE washed linen 285 cm

Composition: 100% cotton
Width: 285 cm
Weight: 160 gr/m²
Colours: 5 colours: white, natural, cream, old rose, cornflower blue
Rolls: about 40 meters/roll
Purpose: bedding sets, shirts or other garment, and other marvels out of this fabric…
Shrinkage: 3% do 4%
Finishing Treatments: washing treatment, for an incredible softness
Care instructions:

Azure can be ironed with highest temperature, but then it will lose its washed look.
Recommended is tumble drying, and then if necessary, steam.


Composition: 100% linen
Width: 280 cm
Weight: 160 gr/m²
Colours: 12 colours
Rolls: 25 meters/roll
Purpose: clothing fabric, bed linen
Shrinkage: 5-6%
Care instructions:


Composition: 100% linen
Width: 280 cm
Weight: 160 gr/m²
Colours: white / cream / salt & pepper / natural
Rolls: 25 meters/roll
Purpose: bed linen, clothing fabric
Shrinkage: 5-6%
Care instructions:


Composition: 53% cotton / 47% linen
Width: 150 cm
Weight: 150 gr/m²
Colours: natural
Rolls: 30 meters/roll
Purpose: clothing fabric bed linen
Shrinkage: 5-6%
Care instructions:



Description: large width cotton-linen fabric
Composition: 53% cotton / 47% linen
Width: 280 cm
Weight: 140 gr/m²
Colours: natural / white
Rolls: 25 meters/roll
Purpose: bed linen, clothing fabric
Shrinkage: 5-6%
Care instructions:

LINEN WAFFLE FABRIC, washed, very smooth, marvelous…


Composition: 100% linen
Width: about 155 cm
Weight: 450 gr/m²!!!
Colours: cream
Rolls: 30 to 45 meters/roll


Purpose: bathrobes, bath towels, throws, bath mats…
Shrinkage: till 8%
Finishing Treatments: softening
In case of interest, please contact us.

Care instructions:

In case of interest, please contact us.

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